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Just Say No To ADHD Meds

Jennifer Kozek

When a child receives a diagnosis of ADHD, it’s hard for parents to deal with the emotional repercussions, let alone sort out the mass of information. There is one message, however, that will be coming through loud and clear from almost everyone parents are likely to consult — doctors, teachers, psychiatrists, and practitioners — and that’s: “Medicate!

To Medicate Or Not To Medicate Is The Big Question

An ADHD diagnosis is particularly prone to this knee-jerk response from professionals who are so convinced these children have a genetic disorder that they have called off the search for a better understanding of the underlying conditions. Our society has become conditioned to trust the physicians and jump to a pill for the ‘quick fix.’

Of course, conventional medicine is a powerful tool, and certainly the best place to start if you have a broken leg or a heart attack. But it falls short against a more nuanced disorder like ADHD. Parents will be told that ADHD is complex in nature, possibly a result of genetic, psychological, and other unknown factors. In general, however, allopathic doctors do not address the wide range of physical symptoms often shared by kids with this disorder, such as:

As a psychotherapist who has worked for over a decade in mainstream medicine, I empathize with parents seeking a quick fix. However, I feel it is important for parents to look not only at evidence-based treatments, but also to consider the results that parents are seeing with holistic approaches and dietary changes.

What You Won't Hear From A Conventional Doctor

Your child is probably suffering from genetic mutations and a nutritional deficiency combined with a food sensitivity.

Genetically modified foods, food dyes and preservatives, and chemicals are having an adverse reaction on your child’s attention, focus, and sleep.

For every medication, there is a natural plant or remedy that can achieve the same result without side effects.

Our emotions are largely governed by our intestinal system. There is more serotonin in our bowels than in our brains.

Bear In Mind

Every child is unique. A well thought out integrative treatment plan needs to be tailored to each child’s specific immunologic, digestive, and metabolic conditions. Find physicians and practitioners who will listen to you and conduct a thorough investigation. You will most likely need a team or different practitioners.

Changes can take time. Move slowly but steadily with dietary changes and protocols.

Treatment can be expensive. You are not letting your child down if you can’t afford the most expensive therapies. Check with special needs associations about the Department of Education services, government subsidies, financial aid, and therapists who provide sliding scales. You may also have to make lifestyle changes.

Focus on love, patience, and hard work. Know that the most important therapy takes place at home.

Trust your gut! You know your child best. Your intuition is the best guide.

Important First Steps

Look for a qualified naturopath or integrative MD in your area who specializes in ADHD and related disorders. Google Naturopathic (ND), Defeat Autism Now (DAN), Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS) physician, Functional Medicine, or Integrative Medical Doctor (MD) practitioners in your area.

Do your research. Have a list of questions for your selected doctor. Ask for a complete metabolic workup including blood, urine and fecal testing. Also request a food sensitivity test (IgG) or ALCAT, Organic Acids Test to determine nutritional deficiencies.

Continue with mainstream therapies like OT and PT, behavioral plans, and psychotherapy. Also investigate other modalities such as acupuncture, craniosacral, brain balance therapies, and so on. Biomedical treatment enhances the effects of other therapies.

Join parent support groups, which can be a great source of information and inspiration. If there isn’t one in your area, explore the many online forums and blogs.

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Family Wellness & Psychotherapy Center

787 Main St. S (Suite A5) - Woodbury, CT - 06798




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