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Hyper, Obsessive and Violent Kids: Are Our Toxic Foods To Blame?

Neurotoxic chemicals and foods void of essential brain nutrients can lead to violent behavior.

There was a very interesting article published on December 15, 2012 right after the Sandy Hook, Connecticut massacre when twenty children and six adults were killed with a semi-automatic rifle. The violent young man responsible was diagnosed with Asperger’s and an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The article, “School shootings: How Can American Food Lead to American Blood,” by DyeDiet draws our attention to the possible link between the American diet and the dramatic increase of violent crime by intelligent young people who appear emotionally unattached, socially awkward and without empathy.

Could all of the chemicals and food dyes we are eating be contributing to the autism epidemic, increased violence and obsessive compulsive behavior? Is there more we can do to help prevent such senseless tragedy?

Yes there is! There are egregious amounts of refined sugar/salt and thousands of chemicals allowed in the American food and drink supply. Many of them are harmless, but others such as artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, emulsifiers, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and glyphosate (GMOs) are not compatible with human bio-chemistry, to say the least. They are destroying our immune system and causing many mental health symptoms.

Once investigated, we recognize that the majority of food served in our lunchroom cafeterias across the country and on our store shelves contain ingredients that we wouldn’t serve to our pets. These highly processed foods are linked to every disease state from ADHD to OCD to depression to cancer. Yet, we think nothing of the poison we serve to our children and ourselves.

Take food dyes alone. A 2012 Study published in the journal Neurotherapeutics, warns us that artificial food color in many popular ‘kid’ foods has been linked to ADHD, anxiety, allergies and asthma. The study recommends that these dyes be banned to reduce consumer risk. A CSPI report, Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks, further concludes that the nine artificial dyes approved in the United States likely are carcinogenic, cause hypersensitivity reactions and behavioral problems.

Also, our mainstream food supply is so processed and refined that many vitamins and minerals essential to health are stripped away and are replaced with synthetic substitutes. In a 2014 article in the American Journal of Public Health the relationship between diet and mental health in children and adolescents was evaluated. “There are numerous potential biological pathways by which diet quality may have an impact on mental health in children and adolescents.” First, a poor quality diet that is lacking nutrient-dense foods may lead to nutrient deficiencies that have been associated with mental health issues. For example, the dietary intake of folate, zinc, and magnesium is inversely associated with depressive disorders, whereas dietary long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are inversely related to anxiety disorders.

Due to the price of healthy food and our hectic modern lifestyles, homemade meals have too often been replaced with boxed, frozen and canned foods. This needs to end. These processed foods often worsen symptoms. Buying whole food and organic ingredients and preparing homemade meals helps to protect our child’s health and the health of everyone else in the family.

Change starts with consumer knowledge and an increased demand for healthy, “real” food. This is a fundamental imperative to begin the paradigm shift. This movement will improve the mental and physical health of all; this can no longer wait. The time is now!

Are you serious about helping improve the health and happiness of your anxious, unhappy, impulsive, angry and sleepless kids without the side-effects of medication. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of my book Healing Without Hurting. Within it, I provide a step-by-step guide on how to treat ADHD/ADD, OCD, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), depression and autism spectrum disorders naturally and effectively. We all deserve to live a happier and healthier life; it’s time we put the power back into our own hands.

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